We Stay Digital

The new way for beeing digital

We explore the digital world and make it more tangible for users. We want to create a holistic system with clear added value.

What We Do

We are based in Hanover and we cover the areas of marketing, SaaS, web devolpment and act as investors.

Business Angel

We always remain actively at the side of our start-ups and support them with our knowledge.


We put our customers in the focus of the buyers and support you with our knowledge


We set up interfaces and recognize the opportunities for optimazation in the markets. 

Feel free to contact us
We present our philosophy to you and you tell us where you need futher support.
Feel free to contact us

We present our philosophy to you and you tell us where you need futher support. 

How we Work?

You need a partner or investor at your side who recognizes and expands your potential. We then create a comprehensive concept with targets. In doing so, we always pay attention to the consideration of the entire market and analyze the competition and possible weak points. After creating the concept, we work seamlessly on your company. This is just the start of our career together. 

Project completed
Active projects
Business concepts
Cup of coffee